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How NavVis rescanning delivers reliable, up-to-date spatial data
Kourtney KirtonJul 2, 20243 min read

How NavVis rescanning delivers reliable, up-to-date spatial data

Explore how NavVis streamlines updates to digital twins with an efficient rescanning workflow, ensuring accurate, cost-effective realistic representations.

Change is inevitable. Our world, buildings, factories, shop floors, process facilities are bound to change – driven by a consistent need to improve. This poses a challenge for decisions makers on how to make informed decisions when the physical fabric of factories are constantly changing.

Basing decisions on unreliable layouts or old CAD data can result in delays and extra costs. Realistic digital twins address this challenge and enable factory planners and engineering departments to better understand, and collaborate, based on actual site conditions. But to maintain its value a digital twin needs to stay up-to-date and reflect the as-is reality. Thus, the need for keeping data up-to-date – rescanning as we call it.

Without rescanning, future changes to the physical world will not be represented in the digital world - the physical world and the digital world do not automatically stay in sync. The challenge is more pervasive, as a change to just one part of the as-is reality reduces the reliability of the whole digital twin. This creates a scenario where small as-is changes collectively diminish the value of the digital whole. Reliable up-to-date spatial data, therefore, requires a lean rescanning workflow that captures the relevant changes and avoids the costs and delays required by rescanning entire facilities.

In this regard, NavVis provides a novel, cost-effective, and efficient rescan process that combines the speed of survey-grade mobile laser scanning with an intuitive cloud-based workflow that processes, anonymizes, publishes, and displays the best quality data.

Empowering planners and engineers to systematically update their digital twin with NavVis reality capture services or on an ad hoc basis. Additionally, it allows users to take advantage of shorter production stops, which is especially valuable given the current high-pressure production environment. In certain cases, the simplified nature of smaller scans and the NavVis enhanced rescanning workflow empowers local teams to perform these tasks independently. This ultimately provides end users with spatial data they can trust and the confidence to make informed decisions based on relevant as-is conditions.


Changes to the production environment trigger the need for a rescan. Thanks to predefined survey control points created during the initial scan of the entire production facility, updated data remains consistent and aligned with the existing scan data.

Once the changed area is marked with the Mark & Measure tool, independent of the affected datasets, the NavVis reality capture service or trained staff quickly rescans it using NavVis VLX, a state-of-the-art 3D laser scanner designed for fast and accurate capture of buildings and assets.

The data is then safely processed in the cloud and geo-located in your production network based on the pre-established control points. Our integrated person blurring functionality automatically lets users blur faces and bodies of people from scan data, ensuring that the data stays compliant with data privacy regulations.

Once processing is done, the data is easily transferred to NavVis IVION. Proprietary algorithms select data based on the date of the scan, the distance from the scanner, and the density of the point cloud ensuring that only the best quality data from overlapping datasets are shown.

Planners and engineers can manage rescan projects with confidence knowing that they can focus on what needs to be scanned and not on the underlying datasets. This ensures users will always have access to the most up-to-date version of their factory.

The updated facilities are then immediately made available and are ready to work with, in our cloud-based spatial data platform, NavVis IVION.

By implementing the NavVis rescanning workflow, reality capture can be significantly streamlined. This efficient process enables NavVis customers to accommodate requests for more frequent scans of smaller areas, ensuring an up-to-date digital representation of the space.


To learn more about this workflow and to find out how NavVis can streamline your operations with an up-to-date digital twin of your facilities, chat with one of our experts here: